This change mainly takes place when you are going from development site to the finished product i.e. to
*NOTE* This can also applied to situations of website being moved to a different location while still in development. Instead of changing the IP address to a domain name, you will need to update it to the new IP address.
To update the domain name being used by the WordPress database it needs to be updated in two locations. The first one being in the Files & Tables section of the installed application.
You can make this change within the database directly through phpmyadmin.
The location of the required field is within phpmyadmin, this is located in the cPanel under “Databases” and once you select this option it will open up another tab or window and take you to a page that looks like this:
From this page you will want to click on wp_options and look, in the first option under wp_options, for siteurl:
In this siteurl field you will need to replace the old IP address with the new P address. For example if it was changing from to the siteurl will now be .
If Installatron is being used you will also need to make the change in the Files & Tables tab of your WordPress installation.
The field that needs updating is the Location URL. If you modify this field your website will become available on the information provided in here. i.e. gets changed to and will be the main domain for that WordPress website. The same goes for development website using temporary URL's.
Once this change has been made there will be no propagation period, this should return the website back to normal instantly.